Get in touch to find out more about our services across the resource,
energy, and heavy industry sectors throughout regional and remote Australia.
Aquest has for over 20 years delivered quality technical electrical, communication and refrigeration solutions.
Kmart HVAC Upgrade
Aquest has successfully upgraded the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) plant at Kmart Whyalla, focusing on improving reliability and energy efficiency. The project included replacing the 30-year-old refrigerated DX cooling coils, compressors, cooling towers, and mechanical switchboards with a 500kW chilled water system. Additionally, we upgraded the sub mains, and installed a new MSSB and BMS system.
Key Project Elements:
- Decommission and remove existing refrigerated equipment, cooling towers, cooling coils and boilers.
- Removal of old concrete plinths and brick plant room walls
- Isolation and removal of existing submains and mechanical switchboards and field devices, valves and sensors
- Install new 500kw Carrier chiller, 2000L Edson tank, CHW cooling coils and associated CHW pipework, valves, sensors and test points.
- Supply and install new insulation and cladding for CHW pipework
- Supply and install new MSSB, BMS board, field devices, sensors and cabling, new sub mains and cable ladder
- Supply and install new Secure-max fencing and gates for the chiller compound.
- Refurbish the existing supply air fan.
Commissioning and Testing:
- Extensive testing and commissioning in conjunction with Sinclair Refrigeration, City Group and RDM Controls.
- Completion of all commissioning documentation, as built drawings and operation & maintenance manuals.
Aquest has for over 20 years delivered quality technical electrical, communication and refrigeration solutions.
Get in touch to find out more about our services across the resource, energy, and heavy industry sectors throughout regional and remote Australia.